
Discover Alaska


面积最大,也是最后加入联邦的州之一, 阿拉斯加州一直是争论的焦点. 旅行前一周的课程将包括阿拉斯加的历史, 重点关注阿拉斯加土著社区和文化. 所涵盖的主题将包括定居者殖民主义, 美国例外主义, gold rushes, National Parks, 深海渔业, 本机位移, 阿拉斯加本土主权, 文化景观, 以及环境正义运动. 我们的旅行将在朱诺开始和结束, 学生将在哪里参观鲑鱼孵化场和深海渔船, 参观金矿和博物馆. 我们将参观一个农村的胡纳特林吉特社区, 参观冰川湾国家公园, 在一个偏僻的小岛上呆几天, 完全脱离网络. 学生们将划独木舟、徒步旅行,并参与可持续地收获当地资源. 在岛上度过的时光将提供一个独特的空间来反思社会生态系统, 处理资源管理的策略, 以及阿拉斯加原住民的权利.

领导:胡里奥·罗德里格斯, 美国文化副教授和布伦南·基根, 美国文化客座助理教授

Discover Italy & Greece


For most, 是否有数学倾向, 数字的概念是我们心理景观的基本组成部分.  我们经常参考这个概念来理解我们周围的世界.  It is nearly inconceivable that our conception of number is something that developed in stages: that the abstraction of number actually comprises a host of associated ideas, 经过几千年的锻造.

数字的发展并不是在一个文化或一个地理区域内发生的.  经常而且毫不奇怪, 没有相互接触的文化产生了平行的发展.  例如,巴比伦人和玛雅人都进化出了以60为基数的数字系统.  Both cultures required a highly divisible base for their respective number systems in order to effectively explore their mutual interests in astronomy and architecture.  这两种文化, 在空间和时间上都不重叠的, 为相同的数学需求发现了相同的数学解决方案.

而数字概念的发展遍及全球, for over 1000 years Greece and the Rome formed a nexus for mathematical ideas both developed locally and also incorporated from the Near East, and North Africa.  Pythagoras, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Fibonacci, and many others laid the arithmetic (and more generally the mathematical) groundwork later built upon by the mathematicians and scientists of the modern period.  These luminaries and the landscapes where they lived and worked are inexorably linked:  Archimedes seminal work came to a tragic end on the beaches of Syracuse; Fibonacci was born and worked in Pisa, and saw construction begin on a well-known but ultimately structurally flawed tower when he was three years old.

意大利和希腊之行可以在很多方面丰富一个人的生活.  这两个国家有着悠久的历史和文化, 我希望我们能有尽可能多的接触.  But among the many things I hope we can take away from this experience will be a better understanding of the culture and setting that gave rise to some of the most inventive thinkers in history.


主持人:Marc Ordower,数学副教授

Discover Spain


这门跨学科的课程探讨了基督徒之间独特的跨文化交流, Muslims, 和犹太人在前现代西班牙生活了几个世纪. 通过对艺术的研究, architecture, and literature that incorporates contributions from all three cultures students will learn about key moments in Spain’s historical development from about the fifth to the seventeenth centuries. We will explore the architecture of the Visigothic period (5th-8th centuries); the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and the rich influence of Moorish culture in Spanish art, architecture, and literature that resulted; the long Christian “reconquest” against Islam (c. 718-1492), which ended the same year that Spain’s Catholic kings expelled the Jews and sent Christopher Columbus to “discover” the New World; and the transition from Renaissance to Baroque art (16th-17th centuries).


The pre-trip component of the course will comprise seven weekly lectures focused around a specific theme and complemented by assigned readings. Historical context will be heavily emphasized throughout the course to provide students with a solid foundation for understanding the unique conflicts and confluences between Christians, Muslims, 犹太人是西班牙发展成为现代国家的标志. Students will develop a basic understanding of Spanish history and hone necessary skills for the analysis of art, architecture, 和文学,这将丰富他们在西班牙的夏天与西班牙文化的接触. 除了考察西班牙重要地标建筑,包括大教堂, mosques, synagogues, and other sites, 我们将学习Jusepe de Ribera的画作, 弗朗西斯科·德Zurbarán, Diego Velazquez, 和弗朗西斯科·戈雅, 以及其他重要的西班牙艺术家. 对于本课程的文学部分,我们将阅读匿名出版的作品 The Abencerraje (c. 1560), 这是一部文雅的中篇小说,探讨了“收复失地运动”期间穆斯林与基督教的友谊,以及米格尔·德·塞万提斯的 Exemplary Novels (1590-1612), the popular renditions of daily life in 16th- and 17th-century Spain which allude to the conflictive coexistence of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.


Equipped by the spring course with a knowledge base and the critical skills for analyzing art and literature, students will study original works of art and architecture in Spain and consider them within their physical and ritual contexts. In Granada, Seville, Córdoba和托莱多我们会看到基督教的例子, Islamic, 以及犹太艺术和建筑. 巴塞罗那和马德里展现了西班牙历史的其他方面, 比如她作为海上强国的角色以及黄金时代西班牙君主制的发展. 我们每天的部分时间将用来讨论 The Abencerraje and Exemplary Novels 并考虑这些基督徒, Muslims, and Jews lived together as friends or enemies and shaped both the physical fabric and the cultural heritage of today’s Spain.



2019 -探索中国

May 13-25, 2019

中国之行将关注当代中国的社会文化和历史并存. 随着中国积极参与全球经济和2008年奥运会, Chinese culture and society are not only experiencing the mingling of traditional civilization and western modernization, 但也面临着巨大的贫富差距的挑战, old and new, east and west. By visiting Shanghai (the economic/financial center); Nanjing (the old capital during WWII under the Nationalist Party), Beijing (the political and cultural centers under the Communist Party); Xi’an (origin of ancient civilization), 和中国的大学同学一起旅行, 我们的学生将有机会看到, 感受并理解这些戏剧性的变化, 以及日常的享受和挣扎, 中国人民的.

主持:安昆副教授、Gerry Sherayko教授

2019 -探索冰岛


冰岛是一个地质奇观之地, 以冰川雕刻的山谷为特色, 间歇泉和冒泡的温泉. 冰岛也是可持续发展的创新者, 利用多种形式的可再生能源,并以可持续城市规划和农业为特色. 在这个暑假游学, we’ll explore Iceland’s amazing natural features and experience how the country has become a model for sustainable planning. Geysir地热区的温度升高, 在Thorsmork冰川谷降温, 并在古尔福斯瀑布转到令人叹为观止的地方. 我们还将在观鲸之旅中瞥见海洋哺乳动物. 在我们出发去冰岛之前, we will spend a few days in Virginia honing our geologic skills and exploring how our own geologic history relates to Iceland’s current geologic setting.

负责人:Karin Warren教授和Sarah Sojka副教授



领导:Gerard Sherayko教授和John D 'Entremont教授

2018 Korea

主持人:客座教授Seyong Kim


May 15-23, 2017

本课程探讨了通过古巴的社会主义方法对经济福祉的普遍追求. The contrasted market-based approach in the United States will be used to deepen students understanding of how macroeconomic systems affect individual outcomes. A travel component allows students to experience life under a different economic order and to directly observe indicators of economic well-being in a developing country.

教授:andrea Smythe,经济学助理教授.


May 18-31, 2017

This two-week study tour will travel to sites where Renaissance art can still be seen in its original location and context. 该小组还将在佛罗伦萨和罗马的杰出博物馆藏品中学习艺术. 前往锡耶纳和奥斯蒂亚等城市的一日游也在行程之列.




May 16-29, 2016

第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战是20世纪最重要的事件th century.  世界主要强国——英国, France, Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, Japan, 而美国卷入了全球斗争,其后果至今仍在影响着我们.  在欧洲,德国是这两场冲突的中心.  在两次战争中,德国军队都占领了这里, fought in, 占领了邻国和, 在第二次世界大战中, 实施了被称为大屠杀的种族政策.  This course will examine Germany’s role in the two world wars and the impact of those wars in two of Germany’s neighbors, 比利时和荷兰.  课程将涵盖诸如“种族与太空”战争的规划和执行等主题,战争对士兵和平民的影响, and how Germans, Belgians, 荷兰人一直铭记和纪念从1914年到今天的战争.

在研讨会的旅行部分, 除了其他景点,我们还将参观比利时的第一次世界大战战场和纪念碑, 安妮·弗兰克之家和荷兰抵抗运动博物馆, 柏林的万湖会议中心和萨克森豪森集中营.

教授:Gerard Sherayko,历史学教授,Marjorie Wheeler-Barclay, Charles A. 达纳历史教授.


Costa Rica
May 17-26, 2016

哥斯达黎加占全球生物多样性的近5%, 并拥有世界上最高的人类福祉和环境影响“快乐星球指数”得分. 在这次游学中, we will examine how Costa Rica is balancing biodiversity preservation with the pressures of ecotourism and climate change. 来探索不同的生态系统,包括云雾森林, volcanoes, tropical canopies, 沿海的红树林, 和当地专家一起学习.

教授:Karin Warren,副教授,赫尔佐格家族环境研究主席



Provence, France

从阿维尼翁古城墙的基地出发, 联合国教科文组织世界遗产, 2000年被评为欧洲文化之都, 学生将学习历史, art, politics, society, 以及这个世界上最美丽的地方的语言. The course is an exploration of what gives Provence and the provenceaux a shared sense of history and culture.



Spain and Morocco
May 17-29, 2015

在这次穿越伊斯兰西班牙和后殖民摩洛哥的旅程中, 学生们将骑骆驼, 游览联合国教科文组织世界遗产, 在探索性别表达的过程中, national identity, 以及艺术中过去和现在的交集, architecture, 电影与文学.

教授:Leanne Zalewski, 艺术助理教授, Jennifer Gauthier, 传播学副教授



Explore beautiful Italy while receiving instruction and hands-on experience in the conservation methods of Roman fresco and mosaics at the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica and stone carving in Rome with Peter Rockwell. 学生们还将参加在圣因贝尼亚的努拉吉人定居点的发掘.   更多信息…

教授:苏珊·史蒂文斯,古典文学教授和凯瑟琳E. and William E. 索尔森人文学科教授.