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Archaeological Institute of America

The 经典 department is the academic home of the Lynchburg chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA).

The AIA’s national lecture program brings working archaeologists of different interests to our campus to share their research. 大卫·F. 老安东尼. Memorial Lecture is given annually by a Virginia archaeologist.

The membership of the local chapter includes professional archaeologists, 教师, 老师, 和学生. The lectures are a great opportunity to meet lovers of archaeology in the Lynchburg community.


Michael Nelson in the field

Michael Nelson in the field

“The Temples of Omrit: the Long and Intriguing Life of a Sanctuary,”
Michael Nelson, Assistant Professor of Art History, Queen’s College.

Allison Sterrett-Krause in the lab

Allison Sterrett-Krause in the lab

“Reflections on Roman Glass at Leptiminus (Tunisia),”
Allison Sterrett-Krause, Assistant Professor of 经典, College of Charleston.

“Greek Tragedy Amongst the “Barbarians” in Fourth Century BCE Italy”
Thomas Carpenter, Professor of 经典 and World Religions, Ohio University

“The Wardrobe Malfunction That Shook The World: Nudity, the Olympics, and Greek Self-Fashioning”
Andrew Stewart, Professor of Art History and 经典 at University of California, Berkeley

“Telling Time in the Eternal City”
加勒特克. Fagan, Professor of Ancient History at Penn State University

“Myths and Social Life in Etruscan Tombs: The Hellenistic Urns from Chiusi”
Francesco de Angelis, Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University

“Bar codes (but no scanner!): Potmarks and what they tell us about Late Bronze Age business”
Nicolle Hirschfeld, Department of Classical Studies at Trinity University

“Villas in Spain and Portugal at the end of the Roman Empire”
Katherine Dunbabin, Department of 经典 at McMaster University

“The Economy of Old Kingdom Egypt: Pottery vs. 国家.”
Leslie Ann Warden, Roanoke College

“The Patron is the Program: Understanding Roman Domestic Decor as Autobiography”
Francesca Tronchin, Professor of Art, Rhodes College

“Conserving the Mosaic of the Transfiguration at St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai”
Roberto Nardi, Director of the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica

“Nothing Common or Second Rate”: Thomas Jefferson’s Aesthetic Philosophy for Poplar Forest
Jack Gary, Director of Archaeology at Poplar Forest

“The Temple of Athena at Sounion”
芭芭拉一个. Barletta, Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology, University of Florida

“Writing and the City in Early China”
Haicheng Wang, 王海城, Department of Art History, University of Washington

“The Reunion of Body and Soul: Sacred Sexuality and Resurrection in the Egyptian Netherworld”
Lanny Bell, Brown University

“Conservation in Archeology: Case Studies in the Mediterranean Region”
Roberto Nardi, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica (Roma)

“Diggin’ Aunt Jemima: Battling Myth Through Archaeology”
Kelley Deetz, Ainsworth Visiting Scholar of American Culture at Randolph College

“Argilos, a Greek Colony in Thracian Territory”
Jacques Perreault, University of Montreal

Annalisa Marzano, Department of History, Reading University

“Bioarchaeology: What the Dead Can Tell the Living.”
特蕾西·K. 贝辛格,苏尼·奥内塔

“Archaeological Forgeries: Why Fakes Matter.”
Kenneth Lapatin, Associate Curator of the J. 保罗·盖蒂博物馆

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